Course Sign-up
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Currently we offer the following 7 online self-guided courses:
Our online courses are available at no charge for NNADAP/NYSAP treatment centre employees and First Nations community wellness workers. We are continually adding to our course catalog, so visit this webpage periodically for updates.
Indicators to Assess Cultural Competency
A key component for the Honouring Our Strengths Framework is the development of a conceptual systems approach which outlines an integrated culturally relevant, client-focused continuum of support services for substance use problems in First Nations communities. In doing so the approach identifies six “elements of care” which are designed to meet individual and community needs. In this course we will examine each of these elements as a learning module.
- Course Introduction
- Module 1 – Community Development
- Module 2 – Early Identification and Intervention
- Module 3 – Secondary Risk Reduction
- Module 4 – Active Treatment
- Module 5 – Specialized Treatment
- Module 6 – Care Facilitation
- Final Examination
Intake, Referral, Discharge and Aftercare Planning
The goal of this course is to promote and enhance the capacity of NNADAP workers to use standardized intake, referral, discharge, and aftercare planning protocols.
- Course Introduction
- Module 1 – The Continuum of Care
- Module 2 – Intake and Screening
- Module 3 – Case Management and Referral
- Module 4 – Discharge Transition Planning
- Final Examination
Prescription Drug Misuse
The goal of this course is to provide baseline of information that can be added to your own special skills and knowledge of the local environment, including cultural practices, existing allied services and special needs.
- Course Introduction
- Module 1 – Introduction to Prescription Drug Abuse
- Module 2 – Risk Factors and Protective Measures
- Module 3 – Treatment
- Module 4 – A Strength Based Model of Care
- Final Examination
Clinical Supervision
This course aims to provide a basic understanding of supervision for program managers and clinical supervisors in a First Nations working environment.
- Course Introduction
- Module 1 – Introduction to Clinical Supervision
- Module 2 – Supervisory Activities and Challenges
- Module 3 – Supervisor Development
- Module 4 – Traits of a Supervisor
- Module 5 – Training Orientation and Learning Contracts
- Final Examination
Developing a Basket of Screening and Assessment Tools for Mental Wellness Workers
This course draws on materials developed through the Honouring our Strengths and First Nations Mental Wellness Continuum frameworks to outline effective methods and wise practices toward the processes of screening and assessment in wholistic care systems.
These processes are nested within a continuum of care that recognizes First Nations communities as distinctive spaces with specific considerations that may differ from strictly mainstream approaches. The course is approved by the Canadian Council of Professional Certification (CCPC) for 15 credit hours.
- Course Introduction
- Module 1 – Locating Screening, Assessment, and Treatment Planning
- Module 2 – Tools and Opportunities for Screening
- Module 3 – Applying Assessment to Treatment Planning
- Module 4 – Introducing the Native Wellness Assessment (NWA)
- Final Examination
Wise Practices for Virtual Care
This course will introduce learners to the use of virtual care for psychoeducational programming, specifically for First Nations treatment centres and First Nations wellness workers. Upon completion of this course, learners will have reliably gained the knowledge, and skills necessary to successfully develop, and deliver virtual psychoeducational programming.
The course is approved by the Canadian Council of Professional Certification (CCPC) for 3 credit hours.
- Introduction
- Lesson 1: Virtual Care – Definitions and Related Concepts
- Lesson 2: The Benefits of Virtual Care and Considerations Before Getting Started
- Lesson 3: Building Rapport and Relationships with First Nations Clients
- Lesson 4: Guidelines Specific for First Nations Treatment Centres
- Lesson 5: Technology Available for Virtual Care
Indigenous Perspectives on Trauma, Vicarious Trauma and Wellness
This course builds upon the strengths of Indigenous peoples, utilizing Culture as Foundation, to understand the experience of collective trauma, historical, intergenerational, and vicarious trauma. In doing so, the course explores trauma and its effects on individuals and communities and explore ways to promote healing and resilience, including the application and use of the Indigenous Wellness Framework (IWF) and First Nations Mental Wellness Framework (FNMWC). Additionally, the course will provide guidance on stress, vicarious trauma, burnout, and workplace wellness, exploring ways to promote self-care and organizational wellness.
- Introduction
- Module 1: Culture as Foundation
- Module 2: Enhancing Awareness of Trauma and Trauma Informed Care
- Module 3: Building Awareness and Understanding of the Indigenous Circle of Helping
- Module 4: Stress, Vicarious Trauma, Burnout, and Workplace Wellness
- Module 5: Building on our Strengths to Foster Resilience and Promote Wellness
Change Management
We currently also have a Change Management Course developed with Six Seconds, to access that course, please click here.